Beyond the Labels; Psychosocial Disability

A quick snippet of what to expect from this series.

Module 2

Module 2 goes through all things Recovery. It explores what Recovery means, along with what it can look like for individuals. You’ll also learn key principles for Recovery and how medications can assist with recovering.

Module 4

Module 4 explores risk identification and assessments. It also explores processes that can be followed to open up conversations and build confidence when talking with people who has an exacerbated psychosocial disability.

Module 6

Module 6 stresses the importance of boundaries and disclosing of information. It advises of power imbalances and different types of disclosure to be aware of.

Module 1

Module 1 will walk you through what Psychosocial Disabilities are and what makes a psychosocial disability. We also explore statistics within mental health and the NDIS, along with understanding how a mental illness impacts the brain.

Module 3

Module 3 looks at how to assess for risks and how to understand different forms of risks. It also takes you through order of importance when in a risky situation and ways to manage certain risks.

Module 5

Module 5 wanders upon Capacity. Capacity is used within this space to understand decision making. This includes legislation, the decision for someone to have capacity and what is means to be an NDIS plan nominee.